The GaAs-like longitudinal optical phonon frequency in two hydrogenated GaAs {sub 1-x} N {sub x}/GaAs {sub 1-x} N {sub x}: H microwire heterostructures—with similar N concentration, but different H dose and implantation conditions—has been investigated by micro-Raman mapping. In the case of GaAs {sub 0.991} N {sub 0.009} wires embedded in barriers where GaAs-like properties are recovered through H irradiation, the phonon frequency in the barriers undergoes a blue shift with respect to the wires. In GaAs {sub 0.992} N {sub 0.008} wires embedded in less hydrogenated barriers, the phonon frequency exhibits an opposite behavior (red shift). Strain, disorder, phonon localization effects induced by H-irradiation on the GaAs-like phonon frequency are discussed and related to different types of NH complexes formed in the hydrogenated barriers. It is shown that the red (blue) character of the frequency shift is related to the dominant N-2H (N-3H) type of complexes. Moreover, for specific experimental conditions, an all-optical determination of the uniaxial strain field is obtained. This may improve the design of recently presented devices that exploit the correlation between uniaxial stress and the degree of polarization of photoluminescence.
Publication date:
28 Dec 2014
Biblio References:
Volume: 116 Issue: 24
Journal of Applied Physics